Seva Canada is a Vancouver-based charitable organization whose mission is to restore sight and prevent blindness in low- and middle-income countries. 

Since 1982, our donors have given the power of sight to more than 5 million people through life-changing surgeries and provided eye care services to millions more. 

Charity Intelligence named Seva Canada one of the Top 100 Rated Charities in 2022.

Seva® and the Buddha Eyes design® are registered trademarks of Seva Canada Society.
The Standards Program Trustmark is a mark of Imagine Canada used under licence by Seva Canada.
Registered Charity #13072 4941 RR0001

Seva Canada

#100 - 2000 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V6J 2G2 Canada

Tel: 604-713-6622
Toll-free: 1-877-460-6622

Donate Today

Healthy Vision is at the Center of Healthy Aging


of those with vision loss and blindness are women


of those with vision loss live in low- and middle-income countries


of people with vision loss, globally, are aged 50 years and older

Help Adults like Chamsuri See

4 out of 5

people who are blind don’t have to be

Give the Gift of Sight Today
Give the Gift of Sight Today

Help Them Regain Their Sight and Reclaim Their Life

“In the hills, she could easily fall down, and there can’t always be someone to catch or guide her,” said Chamsuri’s son Chandra with worry.

Well into her seventies, Chamsuri, a vital and active grandmother in rural Nepal has never slowed down. At the heart of a large, bustling family, she tended the animals, worked the fields, cooked meals, and helped care for her grandchildren.

Until one day, she began to lose her vision. Life became much harder. Before, her family had depended on her, now she depended on them.

As the darkness closed in, things that had always given her purpose slowly slipped out of reach. This once vital, independent matriarch suddenly felt helpless and hopeless.

Chandra knew he had to act. “My heart couldn’t see this!” But because they lived in poverty, in a remote area of a low-income country, access to eye care was beyond their reach.

Then, a glimpse of hope. Over the radio, Chandra heard about free eye care services at the Bharatpur Eye Hospital in a nearby district. At the Eye Hospital, Chamsuri was diagnosed with bilateral cataracts.

Chamsuri received sight-restoring cataract surgery, free of charge thanks to Seva donors. Chamsuri was overwhelmed with joy when her bandage was removed.

Everything’s changed! Everything is good now! I’m happy now that I can do things on my own. There’s nothing as important as sight!

- Chamsuri

Donate $15

prevents a lifetime of blindness by supplying eye drops to treat infections

Donate $50

cures 2 adults’ blindness with cataract surgery including transportation and post-op care


provides 10 adults with prescription glasses

Donate $25

helps train ophthalmic nurses to provide basic eye care to a community

Donate $100

helps train local eye surgeons to do thousands of cataract surgeries per year

Donate $250

cures 2 children's blindness with cataract surgery including a lens implant

Donate $150

Make an Impact Today

Now that Chamsuri can see, SHE CAN fully participate in society. 

SHE CAN do the things she loves, like cook for her grandchildren and maintain her vegetable garden.

SHE CAN live an independent life!

Seva® and the Buddha Eyes design® are registered trademarks of Seva Canada Society.
The Standards Program Trustmark is a mark of Imagine Canada used under licence by Seva Canada.
Registered Charity #13072 4941 RR0001

#100 - 2000 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V6J 2G2 Canada

Tel: 604-713-6622
Toll-free: 1-877-460-6622

As Chamsuri’s vision faded, so did her independence and joy for life

Returning home to her family, Chamsuri’s life has resumed the rhythm she has lived and loved for decades. Caring for her home. Cooking for her grandchildren. Being safe and independent. "Everything’s changed! Everything is good now! I’m happy now that I can do things on my own. There’s nothing as important as sight!" said Chamsuri.

This holiday season, you can cure an elderly person's treatable blindness so they can see clearly, care for themselves and their loved ones, and be a vital part of their community again. 
Until December 31st, your gift will be matched, giving twice as many people the Gift of Sight!
Give the Gift of Sight Today

Help Twice as Many People Regain their Sight This Holiday Season!

Donate Today

Healthy Vision is at the center of Healthy Aging


of those with vision loss and blindness are women


of those with vision loss live in low- and middle-income countries


of people with vision loss, globally, are aged 50 years and older

4 out of 5

people who are blind don’t have to be

Give the Gift of Sight Today

“In the hills, she could easily fall down, and there can’t always be someone to catch or guide her,” said Chamsuri’s son Chandra with worry.

Well into her seventies, Chamsuri, a vital and active grandmother in rural Nepal has never slowed down. At the heart of a large, bustling family, she tended the animals, worked the fields, cooked meals, and helped care for her grandchildren.

Until one day, she began to lose her vision. Life became much harder. Before, her family had depended on her, now she depended on them.

As the darkness closed in, things that had always given her purpose slowly slipped out of reach. This once vital, independent matriarch suddenly felt helpless and hopeless.

Chandra knew he had to act. “My heart couldn’t see this!” But because they lived in poverty, in a remote area of a low-income country, access to eye care was beyond their reach.

Then, a glimpse of hope. Over the radio, Chandra heard about free eye care services at the Bharatpur Eye Hospital in a nearby district. At the Eye Hospital, Chamsuri was diagnosed with bilateral cataracts.

Chamsuri received sight-restoring cataract surgery, free of charge thanks to Seva donors. Chamsuri was overwhelmed with joy when her bandage was removed.

Returning home to her family, Chamsuri’s life has resumed the rhythm she has lived and loved for decades. Caring for her home. Cooking for her grandchildren. Being safe and independent. "Everything’s changed! Everything is good now! I’m happy now that I can do things on my own. There’s nothing as important as sight!" said Chamsuri.

"Everything’s changed! Everything is good now! I’m happy now that I can do things on my own. There’s nothing as important as sight!"

- Chamsuri

Donate $15

prevents a lifetime of blindness by supplying eye drops to treat infections

Donate $50

cures 2 adults’ blindness with cataract surgery including transportation and post-op care


provides 10 adults with prescription glasses

Donate $25

helps train ophthalmic nurses to provide basic eye care to a community

Donate $100

helps train local eye surgeons to do thousands of cataract surgeries per year

Donate $250

cures 2 children's blindness with cataract surgery including a lens implant

Donate $150

Make an Impact

Help Adults like Chamsuri See
Now that Chamsuri can see, SHE CAN fully participate in society. 

SHE CAN do the things she loves, like cook for her grandchildren and maintain her vegetable garden.

SHE CAN live an independent life!

Seva Canada is a Vancouver-based charitable organization whose mission is to restore sight and prevent blindness in low- and middle-income countries. 

Since 1982, our donors have given the power of sight to more than 5 million people through life-changing surgeries and provided eye care services to millions more. 

Charity Intelligence named Seva Canada one of the Top 100 Rated Charities in 2022.

Seva® and the Buddha Eyes design® are registered trademarks of Seva Canada Society.

The Standards Program Trustmark is a mark of Imagine Canada used under licence by Seva Canada.
Registered Charity #13072 4941 RR0001

Seva® and the Buddha Eyes design® are registered trademarks of Seva Canada Society.
The Standards Program Trustmark is a mark of Imagine Canada used under licence by Seva Canada.
Registered Charity #13072 4941 RR0001

Seva Canada

#100 - 2000 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V6J 2G2 Canada

Tel: 604-713-6622
Toll-free: 1-877-460-6622

#100 - 2000 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V6J 2G2 Canada

Tel: 604-713-6622
Toll-free: 1-877-460-6622

Help Them Regain Their Sight and Reclaim Their Life